All Episodes

Displaying episodes 31 - 40 of 40 in total

When You Believe You Know It All

There's not much that's worse than having to listen to a 'know-it-all'.  Don't be one of those!!  Lemme tell ya some things about learning...

Never Limit Yourself...

Never limit what you can do or who you can be.  Remember, you are the only 'you' there is and you can be, say or do anything, if, you can get past the fear.

Make Peace With Your Insides...

Until you make peace with yourself, you'll never be at peace.  Most of us compare ourselves to others, never considering we might have 'something' that someone else wi...

Looking Past Tomorrow

Look past tomorrow to see your future. Live in today to become what you see.  What does this mean?  This episode outlines how...remember, you have the power and the pr...

Living In The Solution...

Living in the solution beats being a part of the problem.  We can find lots of reasons 'not' to do things, what would happen if we tried the opposite?  We used to when...

Surviving Life...

Another chapter from "#THEBOOKOFWANZ" - "Surviving life is good for a while when we survive we give ourselves a chance to live which gives us a chance to succeed."I ca...

We Are Much More

Why Wanzology Is

An explanation about what Wanzology is and how this podcast came to be...sorta...

The Thanksgiving From Hell:

Thanksgiving is supposed to be a happy time, spent with family and friends. I guess the universe had something else in mind for me.

Wanzology: The Backstory

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