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Displaying episodes 1 - 30 of 40 in total

Being Mediocre...

Eleven years after Thrift Shop, I think of myself as mediocre more often.  Do you ever think of yourself as "so-so'?


Procrastination.  Everyone has it, does it, denies it or ignores it.  How do I deal with it? I'll tell ya!

The Beauty Of Gettin Old...

We're all gettin older.  But are we gettin wiser?  Are we learning from others as well as from ourselves? Once we start to see our growth, going through things seems a...

A Little Humility...

My first trip to Australia while touring with Macklemore taught me a very valuable lesson.  Well, a you fan taught me a lesson in humility I thought I'd share to demon...

While You're Waiting for Someone To Help You, Remember...

I think some of us lose that innate deductive ability.  Some of us would rather have someone else figure stuff out for us.  Why is that?  Why do we not challenge ourse...

Without light, there would only be darkness...

We tend to think of most things as extremes, like a light switch, either something's good or bad, on or off.  What if we were better at recognizing the space between t...

All That Anything Is Is All That Everything Was

Everything comes from something.  If we want to 'do' and 'be' better, we have to recognize the difference between the present and the past.  If we don't recognize how ...

Sometimes You Just Never Know

Sometimes, you just never guess!  What have you got to lose?  What have you got to learn???  Give yourself a chance to do your best and leave the rest.

One Must Respect The Differences

Fact. No two people are exactly alike.  Fact. There is only one species of human being on the planet.  With all the obvious differences between cultures, religions, la...

If You're Not Living In The Solution...

If a glass of milk gets spilled on the counter, does re-living how it got spilt over and over again help clean it up?  Doubtful.  The problem of it being spilt is diff...

Never Burn A Bridge You May Need To Escape Over

Wouldn't it be nice if when you need something from someone, they're actually 'there' to help?  If you don't take care of your friendships, you may not have any you ca...

Hypocricy Pt. 2

Continuing to talk about hypocrisy and how many use it to divide themselves from the rest of us.

Hypocrisy Pt. 1

We can sometimes be upset by someone doing the very thing they just criticized that someone ELSE was doing.  It can be maddening trying to understand how and why some ...

Want Great Friends? First, Be One!

My mom told me, "In order to have good friends, first, you have to be a good friend."  After having a conversation with someone who felt so alone, they were seriously ...

Being A Complex Human...

Because we're human, sometimes we believe that challenges or problems must have a complex solution. Not so!!! Most times, the simplest solution is the best solution......

A Diamond In The Rough Is A Diamond None The Less

With all the pressures we put ourselves through each day, what would it be like to think of one's self as a lump of coal?  Time and pressure turn coal into a diamond a...

Watch What You Say...

Talking to others we should keep in mind that we're talking in ink.  Hard to erase ink... What would happen if we thought before we spoke instead of as we are speaking?

A Puzzle Is Only As Good As Its Pieces

Life is like a puzzle.  It has big, medium and small pieces.  What if the quality of each piece of the puzzle of your life each day were improved?  Are all the pieces ...

Faith And Courage

Faith is believing in something not seen or proven.  Courage is faith put into action!  Don't think you can do or be something?  Let's explore...

Stepping Stones

Have you ever stopped to think of how your life is like stepping stones leading you through each minute, hour or days in your life?  Every decision is another stone in...

Miserable People Will Be Who They Are

Ever accidentally gotten 'stuck' talking with someone who feels completely miserable?  Ever felt that way yourself?  Reminder: don't make the same choices they made...

Sometimes too much is too little and too little is too much

Ever been in that position where you give so much of yourself, but it's not enough for someone else?  Yeah...beware THOSE people, places, things or situations.

One Never Knows What The Future Holds...

Think you can tell the future? Let's just see about that...

Focus On The Effort...

It's been said, "And acceptance is the key to all of my problems".  But how do you accept things that go or don't go your way?  Once one realizes that one only control...

Misery Is But One Of Many Questions

Misery doesn't always love company.  Sometimes, it's happy being all on it's own, bringing you down.  This episode proposes a way out of that hole.

What You Were Was Never As Good As What You Could Be

You can drive yourself nuts worrying about what's already passed because once it's passed, you can't really do anything about it.  So what's next?  The next moment? An...

Without Dreams, We Only Exist...

How could we really live if we didn't have dreams?  I'll tell you about some who had none as well as how I came to think of the road to our dreams as a garden path.

Trying Is The Very Thing!

Whether you fail or succeed, first, you must try (Sorry, Yoda...).  That's why trying is the very thing we should give more focus to in our lives.

Only Two Things We Have To Do

My father used to tell me, "Son, there's only two things you have to do, die and make decisions.  I don't recommend the former, so you better get damn good at the latt...

Life Changes Us...

One can't deny that many things happen to us in life, but how to we handle those things?  Experience may be the best teacher, but do we realize when we're getting expe...

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