Without light, there would only be darkness...

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Without Light

Howdy hey, hidey ho, how are ya, how are you doin? What's happening? Welcome to your Wednesday! If it's Wednesday, you know it's WANZOLOGY!! Hehehehe! I hope you are well, you and yours are healthy, wealthy, and wise, or at least two out of three if you're choosing. Me, I'm, I'm okay. I'm just trying to figure things out as I go and, uh, try not to get too caught up in minutiae, the silly little things that people can get caught up in.

We are still in #THEBOOKOFWANZ. Not very many chapters left. So, if you haven't gotten a copy steer yourself over to amazon. com and in the search bar put pound or #THEBOOKOFWANZ and get yourself one, if for nothing else you can go back through the podcasts and keep track in the book where we are Yeah, or not it's up to you.


There cannot be dark without light, or light without dark, good without evil. They're not suggestions, that's the way it is nd it's funny, because darkness and light are mortal enemies. One completely rule over the other, for a time. Neither one is permanent, as with most feelings. Feelings aren't permanent. Most of them anyway, if you're hungry, right, you'll be hungry until you're eating and you're not hungry anymore. Or, you got caught out in the rain and you have to walk longer than you expected and you get soaked. Well, you're wet, but you're not going to stay wet, hopefully. Hopefully, you'll make it to some place where you have a change of clothes and a towel to dry off. You know, maybe soup in the cupboard to make you feel warmer. Change. Or maybe, oh yeah, this is a good one, maybe you come out from some place and find that someone is backed into your car. What are you going to do? How do you feel about that? Pissed? Sad? Confused? Don't know, however you feel though, in six months, you'll feel different when you think about when you came out and somebody backed into your car.

I mean, think about it this way, you find out somebody backed into your car, you start feeling all some sort of way, we'll call that darkness. Then, all of a sudden you see, underneath your windshield wiper, “Hey, I’m really sorry. I backed into your car. My name is Joe Schmoe, and this is my number.” Well, no longer is it dark, it's a little lighter. Why? Because you have more information. How is that different from being sad? Not different at all. Not different at all. Different circumstance, maybe, but overall, in a general sense, it's the same. Change is gonna happen, you just aren't sure when or how it's gonna happen. So what if you could choose when it's gonna happen? What if you could choose to not feel like you feel at any given moment? You come out of wherever and notice that somebody backed into your car.
Now you start escalating, feeling angry or whatever, but then you stop and take a deep breath and look around. No one seems to be around. So you can't really gather any more information from just surroundings. There's nothing really you can do to fix what's wrong with your car, or what was damaged and as you go to get in your car to go on to whatever's next, then you see the piece of paper on the windshield underneath the windshield wiper. Which has what? More information, and in that information once you've gathered that in, oh look, someone's apologized, left their name and a number that I could reach them at, they're probably trying to pull my leg and it's fake. I'll dial the number and it'll be like the county blood bank or something. Nope. It's legit. How do you feel now? Have you gone from the darkness into more light? Have you gone from sadness into Less sad?

What if you could choose? What if you had the power to change where you were based on your comprehension and interpretation of your own feelings? Would that be a useful skill? Guess what? You already do it. Didn't know that, did you? You have the power and the privilege. Sometimes the timing is off, and you don't realize that you have the power and the privilege. But you always have the power and the privilege to choose. You just have to understand what your choices are. But that's nothing more than taking in more information now, isn't it? Yes, it is.

WITHOUT LIGHT, THERE WOULD ONLY BE DARKNESS. WITHOUT SADNESS, HAPPINESS WOULD ONLY BE A MYTHICAL VAPOR WITH NO CONTRAST. Can't be happy all the time. God knows, people try. Some people try harder than others and that's probably why they get high or get loaded. I don't know. I'm not that guy. I don't have a frame of reference anymore for that kind of behavior. But what I do know, for me, is that happiness would only be a mythical vapor with no contrast. When I close my eyes and think about a mythical vapor with no contrast, I think of it like fog. The really thick stuff that you can't see anything. You can sort of make out shadows of things, but you really don't see anything mythical. Could be anything out there. You don't know. A unicorn, taurus, or I don't know, fairy, leprechaun, who knows? Anything could be out there. Now if that seemingly unreachable thing were happiness, wouldn't that just kind of keep you stuck in the sadness if you couldn't identify what happiness looks like? And here's another thing,
do you think it's better to just think, oh, I can either be one or the other? I can either be happy or I can be sad and there's no in between? Things can only be good or bad, there's no in between? The day is either light or dark, there's no in between? Well, that last example fits the two that came before it. The answer's no, life doesn't work that way. The sun is out now because it's daylight, but you know it's not going to stay that way and then when it's dark, and you're fiddling around because you can't find your keys. If you sat there long enough, it wouldn't be as dark anymore, and then you could find them, right?

Life is completely and totally circumstantial. Depending on the circumstance, you will have to choose one thing, or another, or another, or any one of a number of things. That's where your power comes in, you can choose. So, if you were like completely and totally melancholy, just dripping with sadness, and then you thought about how you felt after the birth of your first child, or when you aced that test, or that person that you really, really liked kissed you for the first time. Being that those are good things, do you think it would possibly change that spot where you're at? It's possible. But you still have the power to take yourself there. You have the power to change any feeling that's going on with you immediately. You haven't eaten all day? You're starving? Great. That's not what you're thinking about when you're standing on the corner waiting for the light to change so you can walk across the street. You're thinking about something else, and that hunger thought will come back to you. Or when you're really, really angry that your kid is backtalking you, and you don't really understand where this came from, probably from hanging out with their best friend, Bart, or Becky, or whoever it is, now all of a sudden, they KNOW. They know more than you, the parent and they're gonna stand there and dig their heels in and not listen to anything that you say because you're older and you just don't understand and with that information you might get a little hot. It's been known to happen. But what if you realized that you were getting hot and you decided to think of something else? You're in conflict with this kid, and they're totally pushing your button, but you think about the first time that they walked by themselves. Or, when they said, Mama, Ma, Da, Dada, something like that, pretty hard to stay mad at someone when you think about where they used to be. And that was a really cool thing for you. You can choose to do that. May not feel like it, but if you recognize which way your feelings are going, if you recognize that either you're getting too angry, too sad, too apathetic, too conscientious, you can recognize when you're going to the extreme of something, and whoa, pull back on the reins and go, wait a minute, hold on there, Tex! You have that power. Don't think so?

Here's a mind experiment. Say you've gotten out of bed but didn't turn the light on and you're trying to walk, but you stub your toe on the leg of a piece of furniture. Are you going to get angry? Maybe. Are you going to get pissed? Maybe. So how would you change it? How? You have the power; how would you change it? Well, that's up to you. I mean, me, after probably a minute, minute and a half of stone cold, on fire cussing, I move on and the only reason I'm reminded that it happened is because my toe hurts. My toe hurts. I stubbed my toe, it began to hurt, I turned on the light, and where my toe had stubbed itself in the corner of the sofa, it's $20 sitting right next to the foot of the sofa. How you feel now? Do you feel dark, or light? Happy or sad? Again, that's the circumstantial thing.

More times than not you're not going to find any money in your own place because if you're anything like me, it's like you know where it all is, it's not here, but seriously, always remember that for every little thing that happens in your world, there's an opposite little thing. There's always an opposite of either good or bad or light and dark and the question usually becomes, where are you in between them? Because if you're really, really happy, you're probably going to be heading towards some, some sadness, disappointment, maybe even severe disappointment and pain.

Now, if you're already in that, I'm really sad and you're experiencing that pain, you can think of a time when you weren't; a happy time, a different circumstance and take yourself out of the present circumstance that you're in. Does that make sense? Because I'm a firm believer. The power of choice. It's everyone's superpower. We really, really forget that we have it. We really, really do. You can do wonders with the power of choice, but you have to be aware of where you are, where you're going, where you've been, and how you're going to get where you're going.

Good luck, but keep in mind, WITHOUT LIGHT, THERE WOULD ONLY BE DARKNESS. AND WITHOUT SADNESS, HAPPINESS WOULD ONLY BE A MYTHICAL VAPOR. A fairy tale animal in your head. Your imaginary friend. Nobody else would see it. And I'm really glad that happiness is not that mystical. Or hidden from any of us, all we have to do is remember who we are and how much power we have. Once you realize that you have this power, it's hard for you to stay in that place. And when I say that place, I mean in between. Not moving either direction.

You gotta move. Life is a verb, you have to go do things, right? So are you gonna do things that make you more sad or more happy? You gonna head towards the light or no, turn and head towards the dark? Depends. But always remember the choice is yours. You're the one who gets to determine the length of anything.

If you feel some sort of way, you can choose not to feel that way. And it's hard to get good at that. It's really hard to get good at that because sometimes bad feelings are bad, and you really have a hard time getting out from under them. Conversely, sometimes really, really good feelings feel really, really good!! And when you're caught up in that really, really good, you might miss something, and then all of a sudden, you're careening towards that really, really sad part. Car's going downhill, can't keep in control, can't steer…”Why don't you gently apply the brakes?” Oh yeah, I could, I could apply the brakes before I run into somebody. Power. Choice. You. it's that simple, you have the power of choice. And once you figure out that your superpower can either guide you to a bad place or a good place, somewhere in between, once you realize that I can almost guarantee your life will change, and it's not because of you controlling it, you're just getting more information than you used to, because you realize you're between extremes.
Not everything is good, not everything is bad, it's not always dark, and it's not always light. You get to choose which one you're going towards.

I know, mind boggling. It's crazy, man. It's crazy. It's crazy, but you are your own little navigator and power source and all sorts of other things, so drive your own boat. Don't try to drive anybody else's. Lord knows you gotta figure out where your engine room is and do you have enough fuel to move or You know, is your rudder broken? Is your compass pointing you in the right direction? Do you really know how to read a compass? So many questions. But still, it's up to you. Never forget that. Use that power wisely.

Thank you!! All right, kids!! All right. Another chapter in the books. Don't forget, go to amazon. com to pick up your own personal copy of #THEBOOKOFWANZ. And also don't forget, tell your people, those people that you really don't mind being around for long periods of time, tell them about the podcast. It's called WANZOLOGY and it's available wherever you get your podcasts!

Thanks, everybody. I will see you next Wednesday. Please, please take good care of yourself! You're valuable!!


Without light, there would only be darkness...
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